we have adopted a village called Eduagyei in the Central Region of Ghana and planted a church and also hope to build a clinic of about 10 to 25 beds.
Through our missionary activities we hope to build clinics in villages that have such needs.
At the moment we have adopted a village called Eduagyei in the Central Region of Ghana and planted a church and also hope to build a clinic of about 10 to 25 beds to help serve these 250 families that live there.
We need the support from people who will like to bring help to these peasant whose income is about $10.00 per month.
As we share these needs we hope that God will touch your heart to sponsor some of these children at the monthly fee of $25.00
When we bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a people we also find ways to help them in other areas such as elementary schools. Currently we have elementary school (Elizabeth Christian Memorial Preparatory School) at Eduagyei a village in the Central Region of Ghana, West Africa.
These parents are unable to pay school fees as their income of $10.00 per month generated from farming is not enough to keep the whole family and for that reason will rathewr choose their children to be iliterate.As we share these needs we hope that God will touch your heart to sponsor some of these children at the monthly fee of $25.00 to help keep the school running.
At the moment we serve lunch at our elementary school at Eduagyei.During our missionary activities we serve lunch at our elementary schools to help the children coming from the poverty sticken families to enable them to be nourished and be able to learn.At the moment we serve lunch at our elementary school at Eduagyei in the Centrasl Region of Ghana, West Africa.
It is our hope to bring good drinking water to people that lack when we have adopted their villagtes to bring them the gospel of Jesus Christ.